Promoting inclusive Natural Resource Management among refugees and host community

The government of Uganda lists eight critical responses that together with aid agencies are currently being implemented to address the impact of refugees on the environment based on the comprehensive refugee framework (CRRF); Advocacy and awareness programs on environmental/forest management laws and regulations, tree marking – to protect rare and endangered species and trees in water catchment areas, promotion of tree planting in both host and refugee communities, promotion of appropriate technologies for safe biomass use, promotion of sustainable land management and integrated soil fertility management, promoting sustainable and alternative livelihoods, sanitation and hygiene campaigns to promote safe and disposal of solid waste materials.
CARE is using the nexus of humanitarian and long term development to build resilience that bridges humanitarian action and sustainable development-increasing this resilience operates in synergy with gender transformation and inclusive governance.
Physical Address:
5th Floor, Union House, Plot 78, Luthuli Avenue, Kampala.
Tel: +256 31 2258100
Thank you to all who supported us on this journey, including the untiring colleagues at CARE International in Uganda.