inequalities caused by climate
change and natural resource

inequalities caused by climate
change and natural resource

inequalities caused by climate
change and natural resource
Climate Justice Program
The scale and urgency of the global climate crisis and natural resources degradation demands an augmented effort to promote climate justice and sustainable natural resources governance to tackle the gendered consequences of climate change and natural resource degradation and the drivers causing it.
Climate change and natural resources degradation exacerbate existing gender inequalities and have a disproportionate impact on women and girls, because of the roles that they are assigned and the discrimination they face.
CARE works to strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacities of women and girls to the effects of climate change and promotes their meaningful participation in sustainable natural resources governance.
CARE addresses structural gender inequalities caused by climate change and natural resource degradation, supports women and girls to strengthen their resilience and adaptive capacities vis-à-vis climate change and natural resources degradation, and promotes women’s and girls’ meaningful participation in the governance of climate change
adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk reduction as well as natural resources governance initiatives.

CARE’s global humanitarian mandate shall also come to bear as and when an emergency hits Uganda.
Thank you to all who supported us on this journey, including the untiring colleagues at CARE International in Uganda.