Strategic Partnerships

"CARE’s partnerships are based on strengthening the voices and participation of women and girls.”
AB. Gabazira
Country Director

Working Partnerships

CARE applies a tiered approach to develop strategic partnerships with Ugandan organizations and social movements, with a focus on those representing women, youth, and other marginalized groups, Government of Uganda ministries and agencies, donors, UN agencies and the humanitarian response community, cultural, traditional, and religious institutions and leaders, research and evaluation institutions, private sector actors, and the CARE global family.

All of CARE’s partnerships are focused on strengthening the voices and participation of women and girls.

CARE is a convener for organizations that work towards women and girls equality and builds the empowerment of women and girls, and actively supports organizations and social movements of women, youth, and other marginalized populations including persons with disabilities, older persons, and refugees their capacities to drive change.